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Founding Members - Mountain Roots Produce

Founding Members - Mountain Roots Produce


Over the next few posts, The Grasshopper Collective will be highlighting our 4 founding member farms, sharing what garlic seed varieties we are focusing on as a collective, and sharing why we decided to form a farm cooperative. 

First up is Mountain Roots Produce: 

Mindy Perkovich and Mike Nolan have been growing together for a better part of a decade in the Mancos Valley, focusing on CSA, wholesale and storage crop production. Garlic has always been one of the most reliable crops grown at 7200 feet and we are super excited to cooperative star this endeavor with The Grasshopper Collective in hopes of growing it into a financially sustainable venture that is equitable to it's 4 founding members, while also providing high quality Seed Garlic for planting and Culinary Garlic for eating. We look forward to sharing more with you about our garlic seed offerings and our growing season.  

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