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NEW Exciting Varieties in Our Future

NEW Exciting Varieties in Our Future

Trialing new garlic varieties and building new seed stock is one of the most exciting parts of being a garlic farmer. As a fledgling seed company, the farms in our co op are all growing out new varieties that will eventually be added to our store. Growing seed stock can take time, but it's well worth it to achieve consistent, high quality garlic seed.
One variety that Sol Vista Farm is particularly excited about is "Romanian Red". They first planted this variety in 2021. The following season's harvest was not very impressive, but after saving all the largest seed heads and replanting in 2022, this variety is starting to stand out! 
Romanian Red is similar to the popular variety Music in that it contains 4-6 large cloves per head. It is a hardneck garlic with a wonderful red color. We are excited to plant more this fall and will hopefully be offering it next year!
-Duke Jackson
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