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Pre-Order Garlic Today! $10 Flat rate shipping for ALL orders

Still Time to Order Seed Garlic for Planting

Still Time to Order Seed Garlic for Planting

We have been busy packing and shipping out garlic orders all month. And if you haven't ordered yet, it's not too late. We are going to finish prepping our garlic beds over the weekend here in Southwest Colorado and are plan to start planting the week of 10/30.

We still have several garlic varieties available and are sending out packages quickly once orders are placed. Here are the garlic varieties do we still have available:

Hardneck Seed Garlic:

  • Chesnok Red
  • Duganski

Softneck Seed Garlic:

  • Inchelium Red
  • Susanville 
  • Red Toch
  • Transylvanian
  • Lorz Italian
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