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Garlic Holds a Special Place in our Hearts

Garlic Holds a Special Place in our Hearts

Garlic holds a special place in our hearts for us at Outlier. Here in the high desert, we plant our garlic seed in the fall so that it can establish itself through our often hardy winters. Reemerging in the spring as one of the first flushes of green in the brown late-winter landscape, garlic embodies rebirth and brings excitement for brighter times ahead.

This analogy was especially powerful for me this year. I fondly recall time spent in the low-lying October sun gleefully tucking our Chesnook Red Seed Garlic and Music Seed Garlic cloves into freshly amended soil with my partner Megan and my dad who volunteered his day helping us. In February, we lost my father, and every moment spent in the garlic patch (as he teasingly called it) this season brought me comfort in the cyclical nature of life. It brings us so much joy to be able to share the gifts that he gave us with the world, embodied within the little cloves that just might find their way into your lives.

-Max Kirks

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